FYSP1081 Laboratory Work of Basic Studies 1 (3 cr)
Measuring techniques related to courses FYSP1010 Introduction to mechanics and FYSP1020 Waves and thermodynamics.
Designing and executing measurements and documentation of one’s work.
Gathering measurement data, expressing data graphically and assessing uncertainties.
Written reports of experimental work.
Statistical methods: mean and standard error of the mean, weighted average and its error.
Propagation of uncertainty using a rudimentary minimum-maximum method.
Learning outcomes
After the course students will be able to
Execute a simple experimental study independently and in collaboration with others.
Keep a measurement log, which enables others to understand and recreate the experiment.
Interpret experimental findings and assess their reliability by rudimentary methods.
Write a simple report of an experimental study complying the practices of scientific writing (structure, references, expressing results etc).
Obey the responsible conduct of research
Use a computer to aid experimental work (gathering data, writing documents, graphing, calculating)
Additional information
Syyslukukausi. Itsenäisesti tehtävien laboratoriotöiden suoritus lukuvuoden loppuun mennessä.
Description of prerequisites
Study materials
- Olli Aumala. Mittaustekniikan perusteet, Helsinki: Otatieto, 2006.; ISBN: 978-9516723214
- John R. Taylor. An Introduction to Error Analysis: The Study of Uncertainties in Physical Measurements, Sausalito, California: University Science Books, 1997.; ISBN: 978-0-935702-42-3
Completion methods
Method 1
Teaching (3 cr)
Luennot ja vuorovaikutteiset tilaisuudet.
Ryhmätyö syyslukukauden alussa.
Arvioitavat harjoitustehtävät syyslukukauden aikana.
Arvioitavat kirjalliset työt (mittaussuunnitelmat, työselostukset).