KLAS1619 Family and Upbringing - Current Issues (5 cr)
The family and intimate relations, the family as a societal institution and system. Family processes, families and change, parenting and upbringing, cultural ideals, family theories and approaches, multi-informant perspective, and gender and generation.
Completion methods
Completion modes:
Participation in contact teaching and/or independent study, learning assignments and/or exam. Mode of completion to be specified in the Study Programme.
Assessment details
Assessment criteria: Active participation in teaching and completing and passing learning assignments/exam.
Learning outcomes
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, students will
- have knowledge of the essential theories, concepts and research traditions used in understanding present-day family life, parenthood and upbringing
- be able to apply this knowledge in analysing family issues both in research and in various working life contexts
- be able to explicate and analyse changes related to family, parenthood and upbringing from multiple perspectives
Study materials
Study materials mentioned below and in the study programme.
1. Day, R. D. (2010). Introduction to family processes (5th ed ed.). New York: Routledge. OR
2. McKie, L., & Callan, S. (2012). Understanding families: A global introduction. London: Sage.
3. Gerson, K. (2010). The unfinished revolution: How a new generation is reshaping family, work, and gender in America. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press.
4. Abela, A., Walker, J. (2014). Contemporary issues in family studies: Global perspectives on partnerships, parenting and support in a changing world. John Wiley & Sons. EKirja.
5. Kagitcibasi, C. (2007). Family, self and human across cultures. Theory and applications. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum.
6. Jallinoja, R., Hurme, H. & Jokinen, K. 2014. Perhetutkimuksen suuntauksia. Gaudeamus.
7. Allen, K. & Henderson, A. C. 2017. Family theories: foundations and applications. Wiley.