PSYP120 Neuropsychology I: Basics of Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuropsychology (5 cr)
The focus will be on the cognitive and nervous system mechanisms of perception, alertness, learning and memory. Students will be presented the basics of the development, structure and formation of the nervous system and the electric and chemical processes connected to it. Furthermore, the students are presented how the nervous system controls the sensor motor system, sleep, nutrition, sexuality and emotions, and how it affects on learning and memory.
Completion methods
Book examination, no contact hours in English. The lectures are held in Finnish.
Learning outcomes
Study materials
BANICH, M. T., & COMPTON, R. J. (2018). Cognitive neuroscience. Cambridge University Press. Fourth edition. Chapters 1-7.
Completion methods
Method 1
Teaching (5 cr)
Verkkoluennot ja kirjallisuus, tentti. Mahdollisesti myös itsenäinen kirjallisuuteen perehtyminen ja/tai ryhmätyöt.