WETS1044 Aquatic parasites and diseases (3 cr)
Lectures + demonstrations.
Learning outcomes
Student knows the main groups (Phyla) of aquatic parasites and their life cycles, occurrence and distribution, and harm caused by those parasites in natural habitats and aquaculture conditions.
Knows the most important bacterial, viral and fungal diseases and their effects in natural habitats and in aquaculture.
Can describe the transmission and spreading mechanisms of the above parasites and diseases, and their control strategies.
Can name and identify the main groups of aquatic parasites and their typical morphological structures.
Can independently examine and identify macroscopic parasites from a fresh sample.
Knows how to culture bacteria and knows basics of the identification of bacterial diseases.
- Valtonen ym. (toim.) 2012: Suomen kalojen loiset. Gaudeamus (yksittäisiä kappaleita saatavilla kirjastosta tai lainattavissa opettajilta)
- Rahkonen ym. (toim.) 2012: Terve kala, toinen tarkistettu painos, RKTL (saatavana osoitteesta: http://www.rktl.fi/www/uploads/pdf/uudet%20julkaisut/Kirjat/terve_kala_net_0.pdf)
- http://www.rktl.fi/www/uploads/pdf/uudet%20julkaisut/Kirjat/terve_kala_net_0.pdf
Completion methods
Method 1
Teaching (3 cr)
Lectures and demonstrations.