YMAS2170 Relationships and Networks (6 cr)
The course is organized around thematic modules that deepen the student’s understanding of key B2B themes. These modules include topics such as organizational buying behavior, formation of value propositions, and effective selling practices. Emphasis is also placed on understanding how the changing conceptualizations of customer value has led to the emergence of service intensive business models in B2B markets. Finally, the course will introduce students to the business networks perspective which places importance on the management of network relationships.
Learning outcomes
The goal of the course is to provide students with insights into the unique characteristics of B2B markets, and to develop an in-depth understanding of the key theoretical concepts and managerial practices in B2B marketing. This includes an understanding of how firms create competitive advantage in business markets through developing and communicating customer value-based business strategies. We also discuss the importance of business relationships in the context of B2B markets. After attending the course, students are familiar with the latest theoretical developments in the field of B2B marketing and are able to apply this knowledge to solve concrete business challenges.
Study materials
Ford, D., Gadde, L-E., Håkansson, H. & Snehota I. (2003). Managing Business Relationships. 2nd ed. Wiley
Supplementary article readings listed under each thematic area + teaching cases