BENJ1001 Jatko-opiskelijan seminaari (1 op)

Opinnon taso:
Hyväksytty - hylätty
Bio- ja ympäristötieteiden laitos
2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023


Oma tutkimuksen esittäminen.


Doctoral students should give a talk on their own PhD project no later than within 2 weeks after the dissertation has been sent to preliminary examiners. A doctoral student first contacts a seminar organiser in her/his division and set the date with the professor of her/his major. No later than one week before the presentation date, a doctoral student should submit the title and the abstract to a seminar organiser.

The length of the talk is 30–40 minutes with 15 min for discussion. The talk should include a broad theoretical background, description of the methods, a summary of results and conclusions. The talk should not consist of separate presentations of the articles in the dissertation but instead the experiments should be synthesized, forming a coherent entity. Due to the limited time allocated for the talk, it is not necessary to include all results in the presentation.

It is highly recommended that the doctoral student rehearses her/his talk under a guidance of her/his supervisor(s) prior to the seminar date.


Doctoral students will have experience in delivering a full length scientific seminar talk. They will learn to discuss their own scientific results with other scientists and response to questions. By attending other seminars, students will learn to ask questions and discuss others research.


  • Undergraduate students should enrol in the course “BENS9111 Tutkijaseminaari, Research Seminar”. Participation in 15 seminars entitles to 1 ECTS. Undergraduate students get an additional participation point for a written summary of the seminar presentation. Summaries must be written concisely in either Finnish or English (font size: 12, line spacing: max. 1.5) and should be at least one page long (min. 400 words). Summaries should be returned within a week via email to one of the seminar organizers.

Esitietojen kuvaus

Kurssille osallistuminen ei edellytä edeltäviä opintoja.


Tapa 1

Opiskelijat esittävät oman väitöskirjan tutkimuksen täysimittaisen tieteellisen seminaari esityksessä. Doctoral students should give a talk on their own PhD project no later than within 2 weeks after the dissertation has been sent to preliminary examiners. A doctoral student first contacts a seminar organiser in her/his division and set the date with the professor of her/his major. No later than one week before the presentation date, a doctoral student should submit the title and the abstract to a seminar organiser. The length of the talk is 30–40 minutes with 15 min for discussion. The talk should include a broad theoretical background, description of the methods, a summary of results and conclusions. The talk should not consist of separate presentations of the articles in the dissertation but instead the experiments should be synthesized, forming a coherent entity. Due to the limited time allocated for the talk, it is not necessary to include all results in the presentation.
Suoritus on hyväksytty, kun opiskelija antaa esityksen ohjeiden mukaan. The oral presentation will be evaluated by a professor or a person appointed by her/him: Aquatic Sciences: Jouni Taskinen Cell and Molecular Biology: Jari Ylänne Ecology and Evolutionary Biology: Leena Lindström Environmental Science: Tuula Tuhkanen
Periodi 2, Periodi 1, Periodi 3, Periodi 4, Periodi 5
Valitaan kaikki merkityt osat
Suoritustapojen osat

Itsenäinen työskentely (1 op)

Itsenäinen työskentely
Hyväksytty - hylätty
Suoritus on hyväksytty, kun opiskelija antaa esityksen ohjeiden mukaan.

Itsenäinen työskentely
